Alter Alteris Anthem Science, order and integrity perennial token Inspiring the life the creator gave to me Alter Alteris we honor your name That’s why we serve with love four our brother To knowledge, to joy and pain for the others Bless be the fruits given by the heart. Chorus Altruism, Altruism is the stone That in the soul has made its abode It is the badge of our bedrock Alterista always with love proclaims Hoo viva the people that are peerless mates That never ends to love and to fight Alter Alteris your mission is awesome you are the essence of our education Let’s march together we the brave warriors green of hope with honor we carry red and Yellow are our treasure, white the purity given with the fervor. Chorus Altruism, Altruism is the stone That in the soul has made its abode It is the badge of our bedrock Alterista always with love proclaims Hoo viva the people that are peerless mates That never ends to love and to fight